
What's best for the kids?

Time for some local news.

Hearne, TX ISD recently won an appeals decision in the US Eastern District Court of Texas that injoins neighboring Mumford ISD from aiding white families who wish to transfer to its schools from schools in Hearne. (story here)

All of Hearne's schools were most recently rated "Academically Acceptable," the median rating the Texas Education Agency issues (click here for Hearne's scores). Mumford's schools got "Regognized" ratings (click here for Mumford's scores).

However, because the court decided the transfers to Mumford are "reducing or impeding desegregation in Hearne," Hearne parents are no longer allowed to send their kids to the better schools in Mumford. And because the issue is desegregation, the rule only applies to white families.

Can you say discrimination?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a "Mumford Mom". I believe that we should have the right to chose the school based on the fact that Hearne has dropped in ratings on and off over a period of time. What happens when they make our children come back to hearne, then it drops again??? I am a single parent who gets by financially and I will put myself in debt 10 fold and put my child in private school in Bryan before she ever steps foot on a Hearne campus!

14 March, 2006 20:22  

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